BGP routes collected from operational routers are crucial for monitoring and studying Internet routing.
Led by researchers, is a project dedicated to enhancing the collection, processing, and analysis of these BGP routes.
GILL won the Best Paper Award at SIGCOMM 2024! provides the following tools
GILL: A BGP routes collection platform.
GILL has an open peering policy and is designed to support an order of magnitude more BGP sessions than existing collection platforms such RIS and RouteViews.
GILL has an open peering policy and is designed to support an order of magnitude more BGP sessions than existing collection platforms such RIS and RouteViews.
MVP: A tool that gives the valuable vantage points.
MVP helps users to find from which vantage points they should process the data when they cannot take them all due to resource or timing contraints.
MVP helps users to find from which vantage points they should process the data when they cannot take them all due to resource or timing contraints.
DFOH: A tool to detect forged-origin BGP hijacks.
DFOH helps network operators to detect when the traffic destined to their network is potentially hijacked by hackers using a forged-origin BGP hijack.
DFOH helps network operators to detect when the traffic destined to their network is potentially hijacked by hackers using a forged-origin BGP hijack.
Papers is built on cutting-edge scientific research presented at leading, peer-reviewed, international conferences and workshops. You can explore our published papers below.If you use our tools or data, please cite our papers
The Next Generation of BGP Data Collection Platforms. ACM SIGCOMM 2024.
🏆 Awarded Best Paper!
Bibtex (click to expand).@inproceedings{gill_sigcomm24, author = {Thomas Alfroy and Thomas Holterbach and Thomas Krenc and KC Claffy and Cristel Pelsser}, title = {The Next Generation of BGP Data Collection Platforms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM '24)}, year = {2024}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, }
Measuring Internet Routing from the Most Valuable Points. arXiv 2024. See also our IMC'22 poster
Bibtex (click to expand).@inproceedings {mvp_arxiv, author = {Thomas Alfroy and Thomas Holterbach and Thomas Krenc and KC Claffy and Cristel Pelsser}, title = {Measuring Internet Routing from the Most Valuable Points}, booktitle = {Technical Report}, year = {2024}, publisher = {arXiv}}
A System to Detect Forged-Origin Hijacks. USENIX NSDI 2024.
Bibtex (click to expand).@inproceedings {dfoh, author = {Thomas Holterbach and Thomas Alfroy and Amreesh D. Phokeer and Alberto Dainotti and Cristel Pelsser}, title = {A System to Detect Forged-Origin Hijacks}, booktitle = {21th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 24)}, year = {2024}, publisher = {USENIX Association}}
Internet Science Moonshot: Expanding BGP Data Horizons. ACM HotNets 2023.
Bibtex (click to expand).@inproceedings{gillnet_hotnets23, author = {Thomas Alfroy and Thomas Holterbach and Thomas Krenc and KC Claffy and Cristel Pelsser}, title = {Internet Science Moonshot: Expanding BGP Data Horizons}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets '23)}, year = {2023}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, }
Funding is possible thanks to generous donations and support from the University of Strasbourg Foundation.
- 2024: Thomas Holterbach is funded by the RIPE Community Fund.
- 2021-2024: Thomas Alfroy is funded by the ArtIC project "Artificial Intelligence for Care" and co-funded by Région Grand Est, Inria Nancy - Grand Est, IHU of Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg, and University of Haute-Alsace.
- 2021-2023: Thomas Holterbach is funded by the Internet Society (through the MANRS Initiative) and Région Grand Est.
👍 We are extremely grateful for these donations!
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