Expanding BGP Data Horizons

Access the data

The BGP routes collected by GILL are available here.
We store the collected updates every five minutes in MRT files compressed with bz2.

❗ Fow now, all the collected route updates are stored because the number of peers is low. We will activate filtering and start discarding some updates when there will be more peers.

Data sharing policy

As researchers, we recognize the value of this data for our community and its crucial role in improving the public Internet. Thus, the data collected by GILL and which we will store on our servers will be made publicly and freely available in MRT format, and we will always strive to ensure that this data remains free and publicly accessible. However, the volume of data that users can download may be limited by our servers' capacity to handle the load.

Please note that the collected data can be used for commercial services (e.g., hijack detection). This practice aligns with the commercial use terms and conditions of existing public BGP route collection platforms such as RIPE RIS. We grant by default a revocable permission for using GILL's data for commercial purposes to all organisations that adhere to the following rules:

  1. The organisation must notify us;
  2. The organisation must acknowledge on its website that GILL's data is used in the service or product provided. The GILL's website must appear in this acknowledgment.
We aim that every contributor of GILL knows where its data goes and for what it is used for. Thus, we will publicly maintain on this website a list of all commercial services utilizing this data.